well guess what, I'm in a meeting. I feel like I spend my life in meetings and don't get to spend enough time taking with all of you and we're both missing out.
So I thought I'd start this blog thing up and use it to toss out random thoughts and hear from you too.
I'm not promising that this will live forever but hey let's give it a shot and I'll try to have something somewhat interesting to say.
more later

Monday, August 20, 2007

Inlet almost in the 20'th century!!

Two major developments here in the land up north, WIFI and Cell phone service. A cell tower was added in Old Forge this winter which helps get reception up here (seems like the dock and deck are still the best areas). It's scary now my crackberry even syncs up here. (I'm betting Ron had something to do with this!).

And it looks like my neighbor had wifi installed!!! and hasn't locked it down. now i'm able to do this on my deck vs. in my car at the woods in parking lot.

I've checked on canoe and kayak rentals and they can be had for about 30 bucks a day. the place is on fifth lake and they can be paddled right to the camp.. I'm smelling team building activity..

also we have great hiking, fishing etc. I also have a back up plan if we get rained on ... and it doesn't involve Art and Mark under a tarp all day.

as far as agenda goes it looks like this

monday pm adirondack reception -
tuesday am "What's up with Panera" - scott's take on the company
tuesday pm team building activities - depends on the weather (but fun with a message, no matter)(good news, Kari tells me that restaining our deck would not be considered an appropriate team bulding activity)
tuesday pmpm - uncle gumple's scary fireside lecture series

wed am breakfast roundtable

more to come!!

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